10 Health Benefits of using Lemongrass Essential Oil

Lemongrass essential oil stands out as a potent aid in boosting self-confidence and embracing your unique beauty. This remarkable oil not only promotes bodily well-being but also instills a sense of tranquility and composure. Essential oils are derived from plants, capturing their essence. Blending with carrier oils or diffusing safely allows you to absorb them through the skin or inhalation, activating your limbic system—linked to emotions, behaviors, smell, and lasting memories. Interestingly, this system's role in memory formation might explain why certain scents evoke vivid emotions and recollections.

What is Lemongrass Essential Oil?

In the realm of botanical wonders, lemongrass emerges as a member of the Poaceae family, often recognized as the grass family. Scientifically referred to as Cymbopogon, it encompasses a diverse genus consisting of approximately 55 distinct grass species.

This herb flourishes in tightly-knit clusters, capable of reaching impressive dimensions of up to six feet in height and four feet in width. Originating from balmy and tropical landscapes, including India, Southeast Asia, and Oceania, lemongrass thrives in these climatic havens. With a versatile profile, it finds its place as a revered medicinal asset in Indian traditional practices and graces the culinary scenes of Asian cuisines. Beyond this, its significance extends to African and South American regions where it enjoys popularity as a choice ingredient for crafting invigorating tea blends.

Delving deeper into its essence, lemongrass essential oil emerges as a rich repository of vital nutrients. Among these are essential vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate, and the ever-important vitamin C. Complementing this spectrum are indispensable minerals, including magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, and iron, collectively contributing to its holistic appeal.

Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil

Stops Nausea

Lemongrass essential oil has a calming smell and special parts called citral that might help stop nausea by making your nervous system relaxed and helping with digestion. You can smell its refreshing scent directly or spread it in the air, which might naturally help with feeling less nauseous. People often put lemongrass in teas and medicines for nausea. Usually, they use dried lemongrass leaves for this, but trying the essential oil with aromatherapy could also give similar advantages.


People like lemongrass essential oil because it might help with swelling in a natural way. It has stuff like citral and geraniol that could calm swelling when you put a little bit on your skin after mixing it with something else. But before you use it a lot, it's good to try a tiny bit on your skin to make sure it's safe. And if you're using other treatments or if your skin is easily bothered, it's smart to talk to a doctor first.

Regulates Blood Pressure

When we feel stressed, our blood pressure can go up. Aromatherapy, like smelling nice scents, and getting a gentle massage can help lower stress and make us feel less worried. Many studies have found that this can be really helpful.

Reduces Anxiety

Lemongrass does something cool – it helps make a calming messenger in our brain called GABA that stops us from feeling too anxious.

To feel less stressed, you can mix lemongrass oil with massage oil or put it in your lotion. You might also like having a cup of lemongrass tea before bed. It could help you feel calmer and sleep better.

Supports Mindfulness

Lemongrass oil is great for meditation. It helps your mind feel clear, helps you concentrate, and makes you feel centered. When you're meditating, using lemongrass oil can make it easier to focus and feel calm. It's like having a peaceful friend helping you during meditation, making it a more relaxing experience.

Natural Vaporiser and Cleaner

Try lemongrass oil as a safe and natural way to freshen the air or remove smells. Mix the oil with water to create a mist, use a diffuser, or a vaporizer. Add scents like lavender or rose for your own special smell. Using lemongrass oil to clean is also good- it makes your home smell better and helps keep it clean too.

Read - Rose Essential Oil: Discover Its Amazing Health Benefits And Versatile Uses

Also Read - 8 Health Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil

Skin Care

Mix lemongrass essential oil into your shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, soaps, and lotions. It cleans well for all skin kinds. Its germ-killing and skin-tightening features make it great for even, bright skin, making it part of your natural skin care plan. It can clean your pores, work as a natural toner, and strengthen your skin. By mixing it with carrier oil, you can rub it onto your hair, scalp, and body to help with headaches or muscle aches.

Scalp Health

If your hair is falling out or your scalp feels itchy and irritated, lemongrass oil can help. Gently massage a bit onto your scalp for two minutes and then wash it out. The calming and germ-fighting qualities will make your hair look shiny, clean, and without any bad smells.

Muscle Relaxant

Feeling muscle pain or cramps? Lemongrass oil can help. It eases muscle aches, cramps, and spasms. It might even make your blood flow better. You can gently put diluted lemongrass oil on your skin or create a foot bath with it.

Relieves Headache 

Lemongrass oil is commonly suggested for easing headaches. Its calming and soothing nature can help alleviate the pain, pressure, or tightness that triggers headaches. Consider gently rubbing diluted lemongrass oil on your temples and inhale the soothing lemon scent for relaxation.

Usage of Lemongrass essential oil 

You can enjoy the good smells of lemongrass oil in these easy ways:

  • Put a few drops in a Diffuser.
  • Add a few drops to warm water and inhale the steam.
  • Drop a bit on a cloth or cotton ball and breathe it in.

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